I Am My Own Unique Self Special Creative And Wonderful
I am unique in the universe. My Creator made me with a special intention in mind. I am special, creative, and wonderful. Remembering these ideas helps me strive to reach my full potential.
Of all the people in the world, I am the only one that is exactly like me. My unique qualities and talents are gifts, and it is up to me to develop them to share with others and better the world around me.
I find my creative abilities increasing each day. I am able to find out-of-the-box solutions to any challenge. Being creative fills me with a sense of pride and wonder.
It can be challenging to be different from others. But I appreciate and embrace my uniqueness. My value to the world is directly related to my ability to demonstrate that I am one of a kind.
It seems to me that fitting-in makes me average and average people rarely do extraordinary things. This is one more reason I am happy that I am different.
Each day, I become more confident that I am special. I have the strength to let the world see my true self. I am proud of who I am.
Today, I am willing to embrace my uniqueness and that of others as well. Each one of us, including me, is special, creative, and wonderful. It is up to me to show everyone how special I am.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What are some of my unique qualities that the average person doesn’t have?
- How can I use my special talents to increase my confidence?
- How can I capitalize on those qualities that make me unique?