I discover new strengths each day.

Each day, I discover my strengths by staying alert. I pay attention to what excites me. Building on my strengths make me feel energized and authentic. I feel good about my accomplishments.
I reach out to others for their feedback. Friends and colleagues give me important insights into the things that I do well. They point out qualities that I may take for granted. They help me see events more objectively.

Based on my observations and input from others, I put together an inventory of my strengths.

My list grows as I tackle new challenges.

I test my courage. Every trial makes me braver. I may be hesitant to speak in public at first. But with practice, I become more capable and confident. I become more skillful at interacting with people when I show compassion and offer support.

I know that I am growing wiser. I understand myself and my surroundings on a higher level. I have greater insight, and make better decisions.

I rely on all of my strengths to get ahead. Leveraging my talents helps me to enjoy more success.

Today, I celebrate my unique gifts. I draw on my strengths to help me achieve my goals.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I arrange my life to make the best use of my abilities?
  2. How would I describe my strong points to a potential employer?
  3. Who are 3 people I could ask for feedback about my strengths?