I Go Within And Get In Touch With My True Self
Deep inside, I know what is right for me. I am aware of where my values lie and which life choices make me happiest. Therefore, I regularly go within and get in touch with my true self.
I trust that the answers I need are inside of me. If I feel uncertain, I take a moment to breathe deeply and evaluate the situation at hand in light of my highest vision of myself. The answer always becomes clear.
This self-searching is an ongoing practice for me. Because I stay in touch with myself, I increasingly find myself knowing intuitively what I need or what to do in any situation. I act with confidence, knowing that I am aligned with my highest priorities: my values.
I am thankful for the self-confidence I gain when I act in alignment with my highest vision of myself. I have character and integrity and their strength grows increasingly as I connect more and more with my innermost self.
Today, I make time to evaluate the extent to which my actions are aligned with my values. I am thankful for each opportunity to create what I most want in my life. Because this is such a high priority for me, I regularly go within and get in touch with my true self.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- In what situations do I feel I act most clearly in accordance with my values?
- In what circumstances do I feel challenged to act according to my beliefs?
- What can I do to support positive action in these situations?