Module 6 – Living Authentically Quiz
- Rather than spending time hiding from the world, you’ll flourish by revealing __[what]__ to others.
- Your bank account balance
- Your finest jewelry
- Your true self
- All of the above
- Which strategy increases your personal authenticity?
- Monitor your feelings closely
- Notice which situations cause you to be insincere
- Catch yourself being inauthentic
- All of the above
- What is a way of identifying the things and ideas that are most important to you?
- Setting your life priorities
- Taking a nap
- Increasing your confidence
- Strengthening your self-discipline
- Where your boundaries are weak, your true self is being smothered.
- True
- False
- Which strategy is an easy way to reveal your true personality?
- Share your opinion
- Engage in your interests
- Become an expert on the topics that fascinate you
- All of the above
- What is likely to happen when you try to shelter yourself from a difficult truth?
- You can happily go on your way
- Fear and anxiety build up
- It’s easier to be authentic
- You reduce stress
- Authenticity is more than being honest with the world. So what else is it?
- It’s only showing your best self
- It’s being honest with yourself
- It’s a stressful way to live
- All of the above
- If your life is really busy and hectic, you can’t tune in to your inner voice.
- True
- False
- Which way of living is more fun, fulfilling, and gives you a chance to change the world?
- Being an original, showing the world your unique self
- Conforming to every norm so you don’t have to worry about someone thinking poorly of you
- Ensuring you remain within your comfort zone
- Following all the rules
- In living authentically, which of the following activities might be included in your regular routines?
- Making up stories to impress your date
- Watching TV
- Telling your spouse you have to work late so you can go out with your friends to have authentic adventures
- All of the above