What Do You Want? Designing A Plan For Your Life Workbook

Having a Life Plan brings focus and determination to your life. After all, if you’re looking at your Life Plan occasionally, you’ll be more likely to follow through with your plans and achieve life goals. Use this workbook to write your own Life Plan. When you see your Life Plan, you’ll be exhilarated, stimulated, and look forward to getting on with living the life you truly want.
Review the Points to Ponder questions related to 8 life areas. Rather than write your answers to those questions, just think about each one. Next, move on to write your answers to the bolded questions in the spaces provided about what you want in life. Finally, write the steps you’ll take to achieve your wants/goals. You’ve got your Life Plan!

Your Home—Points to Ponder

Do you live in the location you want?

Do you reside in the type of home (apartment, house, or condo) that you desire?

Does your home reflect who you are and what you prefer the way you’d like it to?

Your desired location to live is: __________________________________

Type of residence you desire: ____________________________________

Changes you want to make inside your home, such as room arrangements and how the space is used:




Steps you’ll take to get what you want related to your home:

  1. _________________________________________________________
  2. _________________________________________________________
  3. _________________________________________________________
  4. _________________________________________________________
  5. _________________________________________________________

Career and Work—Points to Ponder

Is the career you’re working in now the type of job and work you’d opt for?

Do you have a clear plan for the future in terms of what you want to do jobwise?

Is there anything you wish to change about your career/job? Write it here:



Steps you’ll take to achieve these changes related to your job:

  1. __________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________
  3. __________________________________________________________

Love Relationships and Family—Points to Ponder

If you’re in a special relationship, are you happy about it?

Is it fulfilling your emotional needs?

Are you happy in your family situation?

Do you provide the type of parenting that you always believed you would?

Do you spend adequate quality time with your family?

If you have a love relationship, do you want to change anything about it? If so, what? If you don’t have a love relationship but want one, you can write it here.




Steps you’ll take to achieve what you want regarding a love relationship:

  1. _________________________________________________________
  2. _________________________________________________________
  3. _________________________________________________________
  4. _________________________________________________________

Do you have or want a family? _________________________________

What, if any, changes do you wish to make regarding you and your family?




Steps you’ll take to achieve what you want related to your family:

  1. _________________________________________________________
  2. _________________________________________________________
  3. _________________________________________________________
  4. _________________________________________________________

Friends—Points to Ponder

Would you choose your current friends all over again?

Do you learn from them, share with them, laugh with them, and cry with them?

Are your friendships at the level of relating that you want?

Are you satisfied with everything related to your friends? Write down anything you’d like to change regarding friendships here.




How will you achieve these changes? Steps you’ll take to achieve what you want related to your friendships:

  1. _________________________________________________________
  2. _________________________________________________________
  3. _________________________________________________________

Health—Points to Ponder

How is your health?

Are you in the physical condition you would opt to be in?

Do you look like you thought you would at this point in life?

Are you pleased about how you take care of yourself?

Are you as active physically as you want to be?

How do you handle emotionally challenging situations?

Would you like to resolve old psychological issues but just haven’t gotten around to doing it?

What, if any, changes do you want to make regarding your physical health?



Steps you’ll follow to accomplish those changes:

  1. _________________________________________________________
  2. _________________________________________________________
  3. _________________________________________________________

What do you want regarding your emotional health?



Steps you’ll follow to achieve your goals regarding your emotional health:

  1. _________________________________________________________
  2. _________________________________________________________

Character—Points to Ponder

Are you proud to be you?

Do you have the character traits you admire?

If you want to work to strengthen your character in any way, write about specifically what you want to change:



Steps to achieve these goals:

  1. _________________________________________________________
  2. _________________________________________________________
  3. _________________________________________________________

Hobbies and Activities—Points to Ponder

How are you spending your spare time?

Do you do activities that interest you, that you’re passionate about, or that you can’t wait to do next time?

If you’re pleased with how you spend your spare time, that’s great. Or use this space to write about the changes you want to make regarding hobbies and activities.




Steps to achieve your goals regarding hobbies and activities:

  1. _________________________________________________________
  2. _________________________________________________________
  3. _________________________________________________________

Intellectual and Cultural Pursuits—Points to Ponder

Do you pursue the intellectual topics and cultural events that interest you?

Do you wish to pursue further intellectual and cultural pursuits?



Steps for developing more intellectual and cultural pursuits:

  1. _________________________________________________________
  2. _________________________________________________________
  3. _________________________________________________________

How do you feel about the Life Plan you just created? Did you include everything you truly want in life? Congratulations on your efforts to plan and live the life you’ve always wanted!

“He who fails to plan plans to fail.” ~Proverb