. Choose the correct answer. . . 1. What is an effective question for reviewing your past? . . A. What were the low points and how could I have avoided them? . . B. Why do bad things always seem to happen to me? . . C. Why is...
Module 5 Summary and Reflection
. There’s a lot to do to create the best year of your life. But none of it is particularly challenging. Determine the lifestyle that would appeal to you most. This is the starting point. . Then look to your past for clues about yourself and your mistakes. What do...
Putting It All Together
. Becoming the person you need to be was the topic of the previous lesson. It was a logical conclusion to the topic of having your best year ever. You’ll have to change yourself in some meaningful way to have a significantly different year than you’ve been living. . You...
Do You Have What It Takes?
. When you’re aware of the obstacles you’re likely to face, you can prepare yourself and gather the proper resources before you need them. That’s a good start, but it’s not enough if you want to be successful consistently. It’s also important to be willing to transform yourself. . Attaining...
Identify Potential Obstacles
. In the last lesson, we looked at the importance of gathering resources. Without any available resources, you can’t change anything. Though, sometimes, time is the only resource you need. . Obstacles can require additional resources. This is one of the reasons they’re important to identify. . Without any obstacles,...
Gather Your Resources
. The previous lesson was about the importance of balance in your life. When your life is out of balance, it’s easy to be unhappy. . This lesson deals with resources – determining your resources and gathering them together. Any plan requires resources to execute. Ensure that you have what...
Strive for Balance
. After creating the ideal vision for your lifestyle, it’s important to consider the importance of balance. You can achieve your dreams and still manage to make a mess out of your life if you’re not careful. . Unless you’ve intentionally put your life in balance, it’s unbalanced. Having balance...
Design Your Life
. Your past is a gift you can use to determine your future. The clues your previous behaviors and results provide can be used to create the future of your dreams. . Now, let’s take a look at designing a life that will put a smile on your face when...
Living the Best Year of Your Life
. This is the last module. You’ve undoubtedly made some great strides if you’ve put the lessons into action. This final module is built around readying yourself to have your most successful and exciting year ever. . You may have tried to change your life before without much success. However,...
Module 5 – Living the Best Year of Your Life Description
. This final module gives tips, advice, and insight into having your best year ever. The module concludes with a thorough example of what it takes to have a great year. You can live your best year if you’re willing to do the work and stretch yourself.