Achieving small goals motivates me to keep going.


There is so much I want to achieve. I know I can achieve each goal if I break it into smaller milestones. These smaller goals are stepping stones on the path to completing the large one, and each step I take encourages me to move on to the next one.


I always look ahead to what I can achieve in five year increments. Then, I set smaller targets for each year.


Setting smaller goals with shorter timeframes prevents me from feeling overwhelmed. When I take 100 small steps instead of one big step, I feel myself progressing, because I know it is just one small step at a time.


When I make a savings commitment, I tie it to something I want to acquire later on. I am realistic with my goals. I set attainable savings targets for each month.


Self-acceptance is a work in progress and I work towards this goal on a regular basis. Each morning, I remind myself to focus on accepting one thing about myself.


Today, I am confident that I can achieve anything I set my mind to. Each day is a chance to move one step closer to my goal.


Self-Reflection Questions:

1.What large goal is my greatest priority?
2.How can I break it down into smaller, attainable goals with short timeframes?
3.How can I make working toward my goals a regular part of my daily routine?