Direct Solutions: The Fastest Way to Resolve Challenges
In the last lesson, you learned how fear and discomfort can rule your life. Fears drive us all. We’ll now look at the fastest way to solve your challenges. Direct solutions are fast, and simple, but rarely easy. Direct solutions require the ability to deal with discomfort at a high level.
When you’re trying to find a solution to any challenge in your life, you may feel uncomfortable considering the direct approach. These solutions often require more self-discipline, courage, and stamina than we’re used to demonstrating.
However, most of us also know at our core that if we could just get ourselves to follow through on a direct course of action, our challenge would be resolved.
Consider these scenarios:
Simplest and Fastest
If you consider them closely, many of life’s greatest dilemmas have rather simple solutions. The only real challenge is figuring out how to become the type of person who can implement a direct approach. Most of us spend a lot of time coming up with ways to work around our lack of discipline or courage.
This is why developing your self-discipline and your ability to take action when you’re afraid are perhaps the most important areas of self-improvement.
When you work on these two attributes, your ability to implement direct solutions improves as well. You no longer have to take the long way around.
Why Direct Solutions are Challenging
While direct solutions seem reassuring because they’ll obviously work, they’re also disturbing. There’s an obvious solution just staring you in the face, but taking action seems so challenging. So why do these approaches seem so daunting?
For your answer, try considering a direct solution to one of your challenges. Ask yourself, “Am I really willing to follow through on that? Am I willing to transform myself into the type of person that could take these actions consistently?”
What if the answer is “no”? Clearly, you were probably hoping for a “yes.” But at least you now have your answer: if an obvious solution exists but you won’t take it, you are the source of your own challenge.
Admitting this may not be easy. You may become aware that you’re choosing to be timid or undisciplined. However, the discomfort caused by this realization can be enough to generate some of the personal changes you’ve been seeking and propel you toward the happier life that you deserve.
Tips to Practice Using Direct Solutions
As with anything, practice makes perfect – or at least it makes it easier to accomplish what you desire!
Try these tips to help you acquire the propensity to use direct solutions:
As you learn to honestly evaluate direct solutions to your challenges, you’ll discover that they provide multiple avenues for growth. Not only do they often offer the quickest way to achieve your goals if you have the fortitude to pursue them, they also give you opportunities to examine yourself. And what’s not to like about that?
Direct solutions are effective. They are even more effective when your creative abilities are at their best. The next lesson covers creativity and how you can apply it to overcome obstacles.
Here’s what you need to do today:
There are two parts to this assignment: