How to Overcome Challenges – Checklist


___ Evaluate the challenge you’re facing.

___ Expect the best of the situation.

___ Remove negative thoughts.

___ Use only positive, encouraging self-talk.

___ Believe in yourself.

___ Look for the silver lining.

___ Avoid wasting time worrying.

___ Remind yourself of previous challenges you’ve overcome.

___ Find a mentor and take advantage of their experience with the same challenges.

___ Use readily available resources, such as books, magazines, and the Internet to research.

___ Ask friends and family how they overcame similar challenges.

___ Decide your plan of action.

___ Write your plan down.

___ Follow through with each step of your plan.

___ Learn from the positive and negative aspects of overcoming this challenge.

___ Remember what steps you took to overcome this challenge.

___ Apply what you’ve learned to other challenges.