I replace my old habits with new, empowering habits.


My life is created by my habits. The better my habits, the better my life becomes. I choose to replace my old habits with new, empowering activities.


I realize that my habits are important to my quality of life. Each day, I strive to replace old habits that are unsupportive of my goals. I am developing new habits, so I can take my life to a higher level.


Habits can be difficult to change, so it is important to be patient. I remain upbeat, positive, and confident, even during times of great challenge. I am able to relax and develop positive habits that move my life forward.


I know which habits to develop. I know what I need in my life to feel happy and fulfilled. I am taking positive steps toward implementing new habits and reaching my goals. I like to review my progress on a regular basis. It encourages me to continue on my journey of self-enhancement.


I embrace change and the challenge that often accompanies it. I get excited, almost giddy, when I think about all the great things I can accomplish once my new habits are in place. I am unstoppable.


Today, I let go of my old habits. I release myself from their grasp. I am trading in my old habits for better ones that support my dreams and future. I replace my old habits with new, empowering habits.


Self-Reflection Questions:


1.What habits are creating challenges in my life?
2.What new habits would I like to adopt?
3.How would my life change if I dropped these negative habits and replaced them with positive habits?