Grit versus Talent
Welcome to Module 3! Previously, you learned strategies for handling setbacks and keeping motivated to go after your goals. So now you have lots of tools for overcoming obstacles!
But let me ask you this question:
Would you rather be talented or be tough?
It’s an interesting question. The athletes and actors we see on TV seem to have a lot of talent, and many of them do. But having the resolve to continue under any circumstance can be much more valuable and can be applied to all areas of life.
In other words, your athletic ability won’t do anything to help you overcome obstacles in other areas. Developing your ability to persevere gives you one more advantage over challenges. Because of its importance in overcoming obstacles, this module discusses perseverance.
Talent has advantages, but is overrated:
There’s nothing wrong with being talented. The more talent, the better. But talent isn’t enough to ensure success. It only determines the extreme upper limits of your success. It also makes progress easier and faster.
See how grit can be enough to ensure success in all areas of life:
Grit is among the most important attributes to possess. Grit can overcome a lack of talent in most situations. Unless you need to be in the top 0.25% of something, talent is irrelevant. It only makes the journey a little easier.
Grit versus talent, which is better? The amount of grit you possess is more relevant than the amount of talent you possess. Talent is nice to have. It’s like having a sports car instead of a new economy sedan. Both will take you to the same place. One just takes longer.
But all the talent in the world is useless if it isn’t applied diligently. The ability to persist during any challenge is the key to long-term success. Take control of your beliefs on success and your perspective on life. Believe that persistence is more important than talent. Hopefully, you have some of both. If you can only have one, grit is more useful.
Next time, you’ll learn 10 strategies to help you finish what you start.
Here’s what you need to do today: