I surround myself with people who make me smile.
Smiling helps me maintain positive energy to carry me though even my most difficult days. I take advantage of every opportunity to smile. I purposely seek out happy people to spend time with. Their demeanor emanates to me. They enrich my soul and make me smile.
I make time for my friends and family because we enjoy each other’s company. When we are together, we share laughter and enjoyment that outlasts that moment and carries me through even tough situations ahead of me. I give due credit to my loved ones for keeping a smile on my face.
Although my workplace is a professional environment, I enjoy when it is pleasant. During my break times, I engage in conversation with jovial people.
Helping those who are less fortunate gives me a sense of accomplishment. I feel good inside when I see them make use of my gifts. Their gratitude is heartwarming. It nudges me to remember the things that are really important in life.
Today, my smile speaks a thousand words about the people around me. My smile represents the positive energy that I surround myself with. Each day of life with my fellow human beings is a day to celebrate with joyfulness.
Self-Reflection Questions: