Motivation comes easily because I take steps to keep it strong.


I believe that motivation is one of the most important psychological aspects of my life. Nearly everything I achieve is accomplished because of my motivation. I take action to continuously strengthen my motivation so I can call on it anytime I need a boost.


There is a strong connection between my satisfaction for my life and my ability to keep pushing forward toward my life goals.


To me, having motivation gives my life purpose and meaning. I do what is necessary to re-charge my battery because I want to stay motivated.


When I wake up in the morning, my first thoughts are about my overall life goals. I consider what each goal means to me. I ask myself what I can do today to continue my journey to achieving those goals.


My behavior is purposeful. After reflecting on my life goals, I am then ready to put in my time during this day to achieve success.


The actions I choose to take compel me toward a future bright with promise and prosperity.


Today, I know I can stay motivated to continue working toward my goals. My motivation invigorates me. I feel strong as I renew my efforts to keep living my dreams.


Self-Reflection Questions:


1.How strong is my motivation to achieve my life’s goals?
2.In which types of situations is it most difficult for me to feel motivated?
3.How can I pump up my motivation to continue my efforts toward accomplishing my dreams?